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Submitting your home health and/or personal services organization for inclusion in the National Homecare Directory for Seniors

Most decisions for home care services are made by caregiver families and more than 60% of those people live out of town from their parents.  Making the connection between caregiver families and service providers becomes a challenge.

SeniorMag solves that problem by forming the first comprehensive online directory of health and non-health personal service (ADL service provider) companies, designed exclusively for seniors and senior caregiver families. is different from any other care company directories because we only serve seniors and senior caregiver families.  We were the first homecare directory and remain the largest and most frequented one with 230,000 unique visitors per month.  Other directories report "hits", not visitors and since one visitor can produce dozens of hits from each page and hundreds per visit.  

Since the launch of the caregiver directory less than a year ago, it has become the most frequented section on SeniorMag.  Thousands of readers make connections each month.

Listing your company

Listing is easy and as simple as filling out a form.  You will be advertising to people looking for services at costs that are less than a weekend in a local paper or a single month in a local phone directory.  

We currently offer several options:

  1. Basic Listing
  2. Enhanced Listing
  3. Inline and banner ads


Enhanced Listing - In addition to the Basic Listing below, your link to your email address and website are included.  AND your listing remains on top of all other Basic Listings.

You also have the option of specifying a second city at the same price.  Therefore, if you do business in more than one city or your office is in a small suburb, but the bulk of your business is in the next city, then you get listed in both places.

Research shows that you are 40X more likely to be contacted if your email address is available.  And you get a nearby city listing at no additional charge.

Cost: $149.00 per year, billed to you electronically via email.

Substantial discounts to corporate listings of 4 or more locations.  for more information.

Click to order an
Enhanced Listing

Basic Listing - Lists your company name, address, and phone number.  One listing in one city is provided under the Basic Listing.  If you have more than one office or do business in more than one community, you should consider the Extended Listing above. 


Substantial discounts to corporate listings of 4 or more locations.  for more information.

Cost: $99.00 per year, billed to you electronically via email.

Click to order a
Basic Listing


Some businesses exist in a small town but serve a larger metro area nearby.  With an Enhanced Listing (above) you can list your company in the town where your office is but also get a free listing in the larger community as well.  This is only available to Enhanced Listings (see above)

Inline and banner advertising is also available 
throughout the Directory.  



Assisted Living  | Home Care/Homecare  | Elder Law  | Canadian Pharmacies
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