Akron, OH (Ohio)
Home care home healthcare providers and agencies
Home Care/Homecare Healthcare Agencies
Homewatch CareGivers
71 Baker Blvd., # 204
Fairlawn, OH 44333
Tel: 330-869-4663
Website: Click Here
Home Care Associates, Inc
3505 E. Royalton Road
Suite 221
Broadview Heights, OH 44147
Tel: (866) 443-1629
Website: Click Here
Interim HealthCare
3040 W. Market St.
Akron, OH 44333
Tel: (330) 836-5571
Website: Click Here
VIP HomeCare, Inc. 545 E. Cuyahoga Falls Ave
Akron, OH 44320
Tel: (330) 929-9991
Website: Click Here
Kelly Home Care Services
1655 West Market St Suite D
Akron, OH 44313
Tel: (330) 836-5588
Maxim Healthcare Services
3250 W Market St, Ste 104
Akron, OH 44333
Tel: (330) 864-9900
Ohio (OH) senior home care/homecare &
home healthcare providers and agencies
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Notice: Home care and home healthcare providers that are listed on SeniorMag have provided their own home care home healthcare business information and are responsible for the accuracy of that information. Listing homecare/home care or home healthcare businesses on SeniorMag is a service paid for by the represented party and a home care listing here does not constitute an endorsement of any home care business by SeniorMag.. SeniorMag DOES NOT warrant the accuracy of that information or any company's ability to provide home care or home healthcare services. You should always ask for references and determine the nature of the services and the qualifications of anyone in the home care business before you hire them.
You should determine whether the home care or home healthcare service provider is properly accredited and licensed in your state. Your state probably requires a home healthcare license and/or certification. Your state may require a license from a home care/homecare company. Be sure to inquire about any home care licenses that your state might require. Always verify references for any time you hire anyone to come into your home, especially for home care or home healthcare services.
If the home care or home healthcare company is an employer, you should find out what kind of employee background checks are done on prospective home care caregivers. Remember, a home care caregiver is someone that is providing caregiver services in your home and for you or a family member. A background check on home care caregiver employees can help determine if a prospective employee has a criminal background or other problems.
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Senior Home Care/Homecare
Senior Home Healthcare Providers