Marketing Outsourcing - Dangers to look for when outsourcing your marketing

 7 Marketing Outsourcing Dangers

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Marketing >> Marketing Principles >> Marketing Outsourcing

Marketing Outsourcing Danger #1


Is the Marketing company scalable?

What if you need new larger marketing services to cover more clients, or vendors, or customers?  What if you decide you want to expand your geographic footprint and start marketing in a new area or even a new medium?

It is entirely possible that you could find yourself under contract with a marketing company that can no longer handle your account.  What happens when you have a newsletter readership that goes from 1000 to 50,000 in a few months?  There's a huge danger in aligning yourself with companies with "that small company approach", if that's all they can do.

This of course must be balanced with the idea that you must get the service that you need when you are small.  It's no secret that some marketing companies will take you on as a client, almost as if they are doing you a favor.  Yet when you try to get a project done, other larger clients come first.  When you are trying to run a business, dealing with vendors that just don't care is frustrating.

When searching for marketing services, be sure to talk to a lot of companies and don't go for the one that promises you the cheapest, the biggest, the most techie service available.  Remember, technology is sometimes just another way to replace a thinking human that can answer your question or give you information to make a decision.


Marketing >> Marketing Principles >> Marketing Outsourcing





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