Running a home office for your business can be highly profitable.  Great helps on setting up your home office and managing it effectively.

 Running a Home Office

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Running A Small Business Home Office


Running a small business out of your home is one of the best ways to start a business.  Your costs are low, your startup is fast, and the small business home office is not nearly as subject to the pitfalls that overwhelm larger businesses when an economy takes a dip.

You can start a small business home office, and chances are since you are reading this, you already own one of the most important features of any small business, your computer. Some addition articles on running a small business home office: 

A home biz pop quiz - Are you a natural entrepreneur?
Small business home office work habits - Setting the stage for success
Cost savings secrets - Reduce the cost of doing business
Becoming self-employed - Making the move from employment to being an entrepreneur
Small business home office management - Running your home office efficiently

Other areas of interest to home business owners

Business Basics
Business plans for the small business and startup
Public Relations (PR) for the small business entrepreneur
Advertising in the the small business service trades
Website development and building

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