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 Company Email Policies

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Marketing >> Website Development >> Email Policies

Checking and responding to email


If you are going to have a website, it is almost certain that you will need to use email.  Even if your phone number is available on the site, not everyone will use call you.  People often find your information at work and not every employer allows people to make personal call.  

If the reader is not in your telephone district, they may not be able to call.  If they get to your website in the middle of the night, email allows them to contact you right then and there on the spot and not have to wait until the next day.

The biggest mistake that people in the home care profession make regarding email is that they do not check it often.  Many of your potential clients will make multiple contacts and they don’t look very far into the future to start making these contacts.  If you only check your email once a week, you risk losing clients to the competition because they got there first.

The second email mistake is not using a website domain email address.  It may not bother you to receive an email from someone on a Hotmail, Yahoo, Charter, AOL, or Earthlink account, but it will be a sign to many that regardless of your abilities, you are not very professional.  This may not be important to some people, but it will be important to others.

A domain email address is different from your AOL or Earthlink account email in that your domain address belongs to you alone.

As important as it is to be personal in your responses, it is equally important to be professional.  Many professionals in the home care and home healthcare markets have only been in this profession and so therefore, do not understand that many potential customers will consider a non-domain email address to be unprofessional.  For most people, it’s not a deal-breaker.  But getting an email from an AOL address might be something that makes a question stand out in the mind of your customer.

Marketing >> Website Development >> Email Policies





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