Blindness - Low Vision
AI Squared Low vision products and software - Developer of screen magnification and screen reading software, including Zoom Text Xtra, Zoom Text for DOS and VisAbility.
Allied Technologies of the Carolinas - Sells CCTVs and video magnifiers in the Carolinas.
AmbuTech - Manufactures mobility canes for the visually impaired and the disabled community.
Artic Technologies - Offers Braille note-taker, screen reader, computer systems, portable speech synthesizer, 40x telescope that looks like a camcorder.
Big Type Company, The - Large print date calendars, address books, check registers and bold ink 20/20 pens. - Offers accessible freeware and shareware downloads for the visually impaired.
Bossert Specialties - Offers optical and electronic magnifiers for people with low vision, macular degeneration, and other disorders.
C Tech - Distributor of low vision products and adaptive technology for the blind, visually impaired and learning disabled.
California Canes - Specializes in carbon fiber folding and rigid canes for the blind and visually impaired. Photos, prices and ordering information.
Christal Vision - Low vision products for the visually impaired.
Colligo - Features document scanning solutions that convert text to speech as well as audio books.
DDS Enterprises - Supplies devices and software for the visually impaired.
Enhanced Vision - Developer of innovative products including the Jordy, a portable, video magnification system worn like a pair of goggles. - Online retailer of magnifiers, binoculars, telescopes, microscopes, and other optical accessories. - Online retailer of hand held 4X & 5X magnifiers from 2 to 4.5 inches round.
HumanWare - Provides Braille, speech, magnification solutions for people with reading, or visual disabilities.
Independent Living Aids - Distributor of aids to the visually handicapped. Timepieces, telephones, cooking tools, magnifiers, reading machines, sound amplifiers, and personal care products.
Indigo Instruments - Manufactures magnifying glasses, linen testers, loupes, and geology lenses.
Innoventions - Manufactures a hand-held electronic magnifier which connects to any television set as an aid to people with low vision.
Lifestyle Pinhole Glasses - See clearly without strain using pinhole glasses. No glass lens, and no prescription.
Low Vision Associates (NYC) - Helping patients with the latest on low vision, whether from injury, aging, glaucoma, macular degeneration, albinism, retinitus pigmentosa, diabetes or other, specialty lenses or contacts may help.
Magnifico - Features a broad range of magnifiers and low-vision aids.
The Magnifying Center - Retailer of optical and non-optical devices for the visually impaired. Products include magnifiers, daily living aids, electronic reading technology (CCTV's), integrated reading machines, and screen enlargers. Several retail locations in Florida.
Magnistitch - Proposes magnifiers for sewing machines, cross stitch hoops, needlework and long arm quilting machines.
Mirror Place - Magnifying makeup mirrors (5X) that allow you to see clearly to apply makeup without glasses. Mirrors designed by an eye doctor in response to his patients' needs.
National Braille Factory - Converts text documents into Braille including business cards, coloring books, and greeting cards.
Optelec - Features a complete line of magnifiers, vision aids and Braille products.
PC Squared - Distributor of low vision and blindness products, including speech software.
Pentronics - Services Braille equipment and CCTV reading magnifiers in Australia. Develops software for Braille music translation and tactile graphics.
Portset Internet Services - Products include web browser, teletype, document reader, and typewriter, all with speech synthesis.
Practical Solutions - Acrylic 5X magnifying mirrors to eliminate the need to wear glasses or contact lenses when applying makeup.
Richcreek Enterprises - Manufactures and sells aids for the blind and vision impaired.
Seeing With Sound - Offers an experimental system for translating live camera images into sounds that a blind person hears via stereo headphones.
Sierra Custom Cutting - Features writing guides for those with low vision.
Sight Sheet - Fold-out vision aid that can be attached to any reading material to magnify print. Can also be used on computer screens.
Sight Connection - Offers products selected by their low vision specialists who work with people with impaired vision every day.
Special Ed Solutions - Adaptive equipment for blind, visually-impaired, and multiply-impaired children.
Sylvana Belle Eyes - Magnifying makeup eyeglasses that permit corrected vision in both eyes while applying makeup.
Tactile Vision - A raised printing method that produces easily readable, non-embossed non-residue tactile graphics and Braille.
Telesensory - Manufactures optical devices for people with low vision. Products include video magnifiers (CCTVs), scanners (OCR), and screen magnifiers.
Ultra Optix - Manufactures magnifiers and low vision optical aids, including lighted loupes, book lights, and pop-up pocket lenses.
Vision Enhancers - Complete glasses or clip-on lenses for your eyewear.
Visual-Tech Connection - Sales of Telesensory Aladdin Low Vision Aids, including video magnifiers and reading machines.
End - Blindness - Low Vision