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Common Sense Articles In Common Sense Terms

The Basics

Finding the right attorney
Attorney Fees - A brief explanation
What if I want to change attorneys
Legal glossary - A definition of commonly used legal terms, organized alphabetically.

Estate Planning

Power of attorney
Last will and testament
The reciprocal will
Requirements of a Will
Simultaneous Death
Renouncing a will
Life Estate
Estate disbursement 
The death tax
Appointing a guardian
Dying intestate
Finding a financial advisor

Social Security

Assisted Living
Residents rights - a matter of law
Dealing with nursing home disputes
Medicaid and nursing homes

Age Discrimination
The basics of age discrimination
ADEA waivers and OWBPA laws on age discrimination

Contract Law

Personal Injury


Grandparent Visitation Rights
Elder Abuse

More articles coming soon...

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