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SeniorMag News Headlines:

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SeniorMag Goes Audio - First magazine anywhere to convert online text to speech at the touch of a button.

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Elder Abuse - One of the most under-reported crimes today and you may be surprised who's at fault!

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Fonix, Inc. - Easily the leader in speech to text technology.  They do far more than just the Web. They make things easier for seniors with low vision.


How did we survive? - A humorous look at how things have changed in such a short time.

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Give but give wisely - A message for American seniors about charity and the upcoming holiday season from Sam Reed, Washington's Secretary of State.

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SeniorDiscounts.com - With over 120,000 discounts for people over the age of 50 - This site has got what's going on. Check it out!

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We need your opinion - Dr. Judith Tinley needs your opinion on work and retirement.  It takes about 5 minutes.

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Applying for Social Security - A senior's guide on How To...

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Chiropractic - There's good and bad, can you tell the difference?

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Whatever happened... to the Ding Dong lady, the Fuller Brush man, and the Tupperware Party? You'll want to know!

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Mediation - Going to court isn't your only option and this may be cheaper.

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