Connectics Corporation
Connectics ConnecticsCare
Sponsor Organization
Connectics Corporation
Prescription Medication Assistance Organization Contact
Phone: (888) 500-3376
Medications sent to: Patient’s Doctor
Prescription Medications/Products Covered:
Luxiq Foam
Program Eligibility Requirements:
The patient must be a US resident with no perscription coverage through a public or private program. The patient's income must be at or below 200% of the current Federal Poverty Level.
Additional Information and/or Requirements (known):
The doctor can also request rebate certificates from her/his drug representative. These certificates can be given out with a prescription for Luxiq or Olux. The certificate is good for half of what the patient pays up to $25.00. The company also has an insurance verification program, to get reach that Dept call 1-800-572-3225.