This tree is also known as the May Blossom. It is commonly found in North Africa, Europe and West Asia. It can grow to thirty-five feet high and produces berries, which are used medicinally. It has vitamins B complex and c, as well as high quantities of the minerals potassium and sodium.
It also has silicon, phosphorus, iron, zinc, sulfur, nickel, tin and beryllium. It has an abundance of choline, which is the basic component of lecithin. Lecithin helps control cholesterol by breaking up fat into tiny particles. Hawthorn is used primarily for heart disease. It contains a strong compound called digoxin, which is a primary conventional pharmaceutical drug used to treat heart problems.
HISTORY: Used in ancient Europe and China for many centuries. The Greek healer Dioscorides wrote of using Hawthorn medicinally around the First Century AD Europeans used its fruit, leaves and flowers to help the cardiovascular system. It is a traditional medicinal remedy in Germany where it is still widely prescribed to help people with heart related problems, such as senile heart (where digitalis is not yet required) and for sensations of pressure in the heart area. It is a very powerful herb.
INTERNAL USE: This herb is taken as a tea, dried berries or in capsule form. Hawthorn helps dilate blood vessels, resulting in lower blood pressure. It also acts as a muscle relaxer in the heart vessels. It is also used as a general heart tonic to help strengthen and maintain the health of the heart. It helps prevent the hardening of the arteries, and normalizes blood pressure and inflammation of the heart muscles. This herb should NOT be used in lieu of conventional heart medicine.
- Needed by the red and white blood cells, bones and gastrointestinal tract.
- In research, it has been found that this amino acid can counteract a wheat or corn allergy.
- Sometimes used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis to remove heavy metals such as copper, which tends to overload in the tissues.
- Used to treat hallucinations and paranoia
- Used to improve sexual orgasm, impotence and loss of sexual power.
- Deficiency may contribute to nerve deafness and rheumatoid arthritis.
- Glands affected by histidine - adrenal and pineal glands.
- Complementary Vitamins - Vitamins B-5,C, B-3 and E
- Complementary Minerals - potassium, bromine, sodium, chloride, chromium, zinc
This tree originated in Asia and around the East Mediterranean Sea. It is a very safe herb, and widely prescribed in Europe. Horsechestnut has the chemical compound sapon aescin, which has anti-inflammatory characteristics, both for internal and external use. It is usually found only in Health Food stores here in the United States.
HISTORY: This tree has been used medicinally by many cultures for centuries as a cough remedy inside, and a cure for skin problems on the outside.
INTERNAL USE: Horse Chestnut extract is used to treat varicose veins, skin cancers, coughs and hemorrhoids.
This perennial herb is found in North America, Europe and Asia. The flower of this plant is used for it’s content of Vitamin B complex and magnesium, zinc, copper, as well as trace amounts of iodine, manganese, iron, sodium, lead, fluorine and chlorine. It also contains lupulin, which is 1/7th of Hops composition. It is a bettering and preservative in the brewing industries for centuries.
HISTORY: This herb is probably most famous for it’s use in making Beer. Hops is a traditional European sleep aid used for centuries.
INTERNAL USE: Can be taken as an infusion, tincture, tablets or in capsule form. It helps induce a peaceful sleep. A great feature of this herb is that it is a sleep aid that is not addictive. It increases flow of bile, relaxes liver and gall ducts, increase digestion, reduce sexual desire, stop gas, fights sexually transmitted diseases, insomnia and promotes urination.
EXTERNAL USE: Used as a poultice it can help boils, tumors and skin irritations. Many people stuff their pillows with Hops, claiming it helps them rest better, and go to sleep quicker.
This perennial herb is from the Labiatae family. The name comes from the Egyptian word for the god of the Sky and Light, Horus. This herb contains Vitamins A, B Complex, C, E, F and contains iron, potassium, and sulfur. It also contains the active compound marrubiin, which gives Horehound expectorant qualities. This plant grows up to three feet high with small dense white flower whorls. The leaves taste like menthol and are used medicinally, as well as in teas and herbal candies.
HISTORY: Horehound has been used for thousands of years as a cough remedy. The Greek Physician Hypocrites thought very highly of this herb, for its many healing properties.
INTERNAL USE: Used in cough drops or tea. It will loosen phlegm, bronchitis, hay fever, sinusitis and help sore throats. It acts like a general tonic to internal organs, and in large quantities, acts as a laxative.
EXTERNAL USE: Use as a poultice on herpes sores, eczema, psoriasis and shingles outbreaks.
This perennial herb originated in Europe, but its popularity has spread this herb worldwide. This herb has white flowers, and the root is long and pale colored, which is used medicinally. The root contains rich amounts of vitamins B1 and C as well as sulfur, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and sodium. It is very strong in ascorbic acid and sinigrin.
Care must be taken to avoid leaving in contact with the skin, as it may cause blistering. Be careful not to let Horseradish get into the eyes.
HISTORY: Horseradish has been used around the world as a cooking garnish as well as medicinally for centuries.
INTERNAL USE: This herb may be taken as a tincture, tablet or as a syrup. Horseradish helps clear up sinus congestion, clears nasal passages, promote urination, promote stomach secretions, helps to expel worms from the body.
This perennial herb is also known as Shavegrass, BottleBrush or Scouring Rush. It is high in silicon, selenium, calcium as well as containing the vitamin E, Pantothenic acid, papa, copper, manganese, sodium, and trace amounts of cobalt, iron, aluminum and iodine. The silica in Horsetail is helpful in skin, hair and eye conditions. Horsetail is found in the cooler areas of North America, Asia and Europe.
HISTORY: This herb has been used for centuries as a medicinal and cleaning aid. First mentioned by ancient Roman texts, this plant is used to scour pots and heal wounds. It is a popular ingredient in many of today’s beauty products.
INTERNAL USE: This herb can be taken as a tea, tincture, tablet or in capsule form. Horsetail helps blood circulation, blood coagulation, decreasing bleeding, decrease menstruation, glandular swelling and pus discharges.
It strengthens the heart and lungs, while also helping to remove gravel from the bladder and kidneys. It is used as a diuretic, tissue toner, and the treatment of bleeding ulcers, tuberculosis, kidney problems and bladder problems. With the use of Comfrey, it helps fractured bones heal faster.
EXTERNAL USE: Horsetail can help stop the bleeding of wounds, and helps speed the healing of cuts and scrapes.
*see FO-TI
This herb has leaves and roots that are used medicinally. Hydrangea contains calcium, potassium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. It is an aquatic plant found usually in swamps and marshes. It possesses strong alkaloids within the root system of the plant. It has strong detergent powers similar to that found in Yucca and Chaparral.
INTERNAL USE: This herb help arthritis, gout and rheumatism. It helps to prevent stones from forming in the kidneys, alleviates pain when stones pass through the ureters from the kidney to the bladder. It also helps cure bladder infections gallstones, gout, kidney stones, gonorrhea and backaches.