This perennial herb is also known as the Purple Coneflower. It is a very common and popular garden flower, and can grow up to five feet high.. It contains vitamins A, C, and E as well as the minerals copper, iron, iodine, sulfur, and potassium. Echinacea also has the compounds inulin, sucrose, betain, echinacein, myristic acid, echina coside, resins and other various fatty acids. This herb is frequently called the "King of Blood Purifiers". Avoid use of this herb if you are allergic to Daisies, or are suffering from tuberculosis, collagen disorders or multiple sclerosis.
HISTORY: Native American Indians discovered this antibiotic herb originally on the Central Plains of the United States. They used it for it’s external wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. German researcher Dr. Gerhard Madaus imported the seeds to Europe and did extensive studies on its immunositumulating properties. It is one of the most popular over-the-counter remedies in the nation of Germany now. In Germany alone, there are over 180 different products from Echinacea sold.
INTERNAL USE: Use Echinacea as a tea, tincture, capsule or as a fresh herb to help bronchitis, bladder infections heal wounds, sore throats, improve the immune system, recover from colds faster urinary tract infections and yeast infections. The betaine in Echinacea has antiseptic properties. Betaine and caffeic acid glycosides help rearrange and reorganize the enzyme system within the body, which thus helps to remove viruses, as well as help heal some forms of cancer. The myristic acid works on reducing fatty tissues and lowers serum cholesterol.
EXTERNAL USE: A balm of Echinacea can reduce swelling of tissues, and heal wounds and cuts.
This herb is also known as Black Elder. The fruit and flowers of this tree are used medicinally. It contains the bioflavonoid quercetin, which is the main component of Elderberry that gives it strong medicinal powers. The fruit of this plant makes very fine wine and jellies.
HISTORY: This plant has been used as a food source, wine, and medicinal herb for hundreds of years in both Europe and North America.
INTERNAL USE: This herb is used to prevent cold sores, fevers, herpes, infections, influenza, sore throats and sinusitis. It is often used in conjunction with St. John’s Wort.
EXTERNAL USE: A poultice of Elderberry helps heal burns, bruises, cuts and scrapes.
This perennial herb is from the ASTERACEAE family. Elecampane is also known as Elfdock, Elfwort, Horseheal and Scabwort. This herb grows up to five feet high and has golden colored flowers. The roots and flowers of Elecampane are used medicinally, as it contains calcium, potassium and sodium. It is one of the richest sources of natural insulin to be found. Do not use this herb if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.
INTERNAL USE: This herb can help with asthma, bronchitis, diabetes, diphtheria, emphysema, hay fever, parasite elimination, poison antidote, pneumonia, rabies, tuberculosis, worms and whooping cough. It also helps to reduce tooth decay and tightens the gums.
EXTERNAL USE: A wash of Elecampane can help cure many skin diseases including blemishes and scabies.
*see Ginseng
This herb is from the EPHEDRACEAE family. It is also known as the herb Epitonin. Ephedra Mahuang is a short plant found all over the worlds arid deserts, with the stems and branches of this plant used medicinally. It contains two very strong alkaloids, ephedrine, and pseudoephedrine. This herb is routinely found in many diet pills and over-the-counter medicines for allergies or asthma.
HISTORY: Ephedra Mahuang is one of the world’s oldest drugs. It has been used for thousands of years to treat people with asthma and other respiratory diseases. In China alone it has been cultivated for over 5,000 years. It is an energy-inducing drug that is so powerful that the Olympic Committee has banned its use. It is said that the guards in Ghengis Kahn’s army used this herb to stay awake. If they were caught sleeping, they lost their heads! Literally!
INTERNAL USE: Ephedra Mahuang is taken as a tea, tablet or in capsule form. This herb is used for asthma, arthritis, bronchitis, drug addictions, energy loss, fevers and to control weight. Care must be used with this herb, as it can also increase blood pressure, heart rate and cause heart palpitations. Do not use this herb if you suffer from any heart conditions, high blood pressure or are pregnant or nursing.
This tree is from the EUCALYPTUS family. This herb is found world wide, and is popularly known as the favorite food of Koalas.
HISTORY: Eucalyptus has been used for centuries as a herbal remedy. It has also been used for centuries in mining operations worldwide to lower humidity levels deep underground.
EXTERNAL USE: Use the oil of this herb on burns, cuts, sunburns, shingles and on sore muscles.
This perennial herb is from the PRIMULACEAE family. This herb is also known as Fever Plant. The bark, leaf, oil, and flower seed oils are used medicinally. It contains Vitamin F, as well as potassium and magnesium. The seeds oil is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, with as much as 9% gamma-lionolenic acid and 72% linoleic acid. Polyunsaturated fats are essential nutrients for good health.
INTERNAL USE: Evening Primrose is often taken as an Oil. This herb has been found to counter Wheat and Corn allergies, and help lower cholesterol levels, cleanse the liver and spleen, eczema, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, obesity, PMS and schizophrenic behavior problems. Do not use this herb if you have Epilepsy!
This annual herb is from the EUPHRASIA family. This plant is found though out the entire European Continent and grows up to eight inches high with bright purple and yellow flowers. It contains vitamins A, B complex, C, D and E as well as copper, iron, iodine, potassium, silicon, sulfur and zinc. It also has tannic acid, mannite, glucose, and possibly saponins. Eyebright as its name suggests is used to help the health of the eye. It helps provide elasticity and resiliency to the nerves and optics of the eye.
HISTORY: It has been used in Europe for centuries as a poultice to help with Conjunctivitis and sore, irritated eyes.
INTERNAL USE: This herb can be taken as a tincture or in capsule form. Use Eyebright to improve the health of the eye as well as help with sinusitis and allergies. It will help the tinsel strength of all the eyes fibrous masses. When used as an eyewash with powdered Yucca Root, it has helped reverse cataract formation in the eye. When Eyebright eyewash is applied to the eyes, the compounds are activated by sunlight to saturate the cornea, schlera, choroid, ciliary muscle iris, supensory ligaments, conjunctiva, lens, reina, optic nerve and other eye tissues. It has antiseptic properties that fight infections such as opthalmia and other eye problems.
EXTERNAL USE: A wash of Eyebright also helps with measles, mumps, and chicken pox. A tincture applied with a swap on a tooth will stop mild toothaches.
1 to 3 years old: 6 milligrams (mg)
4 to 8 years old: 7 mg
11 to 51+ years old: 10 mg
11 to 51+ years old: 8 mg
- Cancer due to powerful antioxidant activity
- Cardiovascular disease
- Cataracts
- Anemia
- Retrolental fibroplasia-eye disorder in premature infants
- Cell damage by inhibiting the oxidation of lipids and formation of free radicals
- Age spots
- Improve circulation
- Repair tissue
- Treating PMS and fibrocystic disease of the breast
- Promote normal blood clotting and healing
- Reduce scarring from some wounds
- Reduce blood pressure
- Improves athletic performance
- Relax leg cramps
- Maintains healthy nerves and muscles while strengthening capillary walls
- Promotes healthy skin and hair
- Protect fat-soluble vitamin from destruction by oxygen
- Aids in utilization of vitamin A and protects it from destruction by oxygen
- Retards aging
- Reduces inflammation; lessen pain and stiffness
- Affect blood and muscle function, reproduction, tissue inflammation, menopause and bronchial disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and immune function
- Reduce LDL cholesterol in bloodstream, work to eliminate triglycerides, increase artery cleansing HDL
- Keeps cholesterol from oxidizing – less oxidized cholesterol = less plaque = less heart disease
- Help male infertility
- Help control blood sugar in diabetics, reduce insulin
Infertility in men and women, menstrual problems, neuromuscular impairment, shortened red blood cell lifespan, miscarriage, uterine degeneration; deficiency has been linked to bowel cancer, breast cancer, red blood cell damage, destruction of nerves
cold pressed vegetable oils, dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains; also in brown rice, cornmeal, dulse, eggs, kelp, desiccated liver, milk, oatmeal, organ meats, soybeans, sweet potatoes, watercress, wheat, wheat germ
Alfalfa, bladderwrack, dandelion, dong quai, flaxseed, nettle, oat straw, raspberry leaf, rose hips
• sunflower seeds, 2 tbls (7 mg)
• wheat germ, 1/4 cup (5.3 mg)
• peanut butter, 1 tbls (1.6 mg)
• Italian salad dressing (1.6 mg)
• almonds, dry roasted, 1 oz (1.6 mg)
• canola or corn oil, 1 tsp (1.0 mg)
• salmon, canned, with bones, 3 oz (1.2 mg)
• tuna, white, canned, 3 oz (1.4 mg)
• lobster, cooked, 3 oz (0.9 mg)
• olive oil, 1 tsp (0.6 mg)
Needed for just about anyone, more so for heart disease, smokers and strenuous exercisers; 100+ IU needed for benefits; natural form of vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopherol) is better absorbed than synthetic (dl-alpha-tocopherol).
High amounts can interfere with vitamin K's clotting actions and enhance the effect of anti-clotting drugs, potentially increasing the risk of hemorrhage. Upper safe limit is set at 1,000 mg of Vitamin E daily for individuals 19 years of age and older, who consume adequate vitamin K and are not taking anti-clotting medication.