Most people are shocked to learn that the average person holds between 5 and 10 pounds of putrefied fecal matter and other foul material in the body.
Do you have any idea what's really in your body? Most people will naturally list the obvious bones, muscles, blood, and of course the primary organs. What most people don't realize is that for most people, there is 8 to 10 lbs of rotted food, feces, and other rotten and foul material.
The average lifespan of humans has grown tremendously over the last 100 or so years. Advances in science and medicine, an understanding of nutrition, and changes in public policy have literally increased the average life expectancy by 75% or more. It is not uncommon now to see people live well into their 80's, 90's or even 100 years or more.
With this change however, comes many degenerative diseases that were relatively uncommon 100 years ago. Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, cancer and a host of others are relatively new in human culture because previously, most people didn't live long enough to acquire them. Consequently, we end up with people that have been termed "the walking wounded"... people that are only alive because of the medications that they are on.
There are of course many factors. But one of the major ones is the vast amount of putrefied materials that we carry around with us. Our bowels are not working properly because of an imbalance in the body causing auto-intoxication.
It is well understood that with so much garbage in our intestines, an imbalance can easily cause some of the corruption to leak out into the rest of the body.
Though the body is an amazing creation and can handle a certain amount, continuous release of toxins into the body eventually weaken immune systems and can lead to degeneration of important systems and an intoxication of the body.
How the Bowels Work
The intestinal tract has two primary functions
Food digestion and delivery of nutrients to the rest of the body.
Elimination of undigested food and waste
The intestinal tract is an amazing set of organs that start with the mouth, chewing and adding saliva to the food to start the digestive process.
As the food moves through the esophagus, stomach, and the intestines, it is further broken down. Nutrients are pulled from the food, and the balance is eliminated from the body in the form of feces.
When Things Go Wrong
Most people don't have very healthy bowel systems. Constipation, diarrhea, and a host of digestive disorders keep quite a few doctors and drug companies in business.
The reasons for this are simple. The primary cause of poor bowels are improper diet. Foods are processed instead of fresh. Food is often over-cooked. Preservatives inhibit the proper absorption of nutrients and many foods have a significant amount of non-nutritive fillers.
Excess salt, fats and sugars are put into foods to make them more tasty, but these are death to the bowels. Fiber is often purposely pulled out of foods to soften the texture and that is the material that helps to keep the gut clean.
Add to that beer, liquor, and other contaminants along with regular doses of antibiotics and other medications that kill off good bacteria and it's no wonder we end up with a gastric mess.
As we age, there is also a natural decrease in the amount of digestive enzymes that are produced, leading to further gastric dysfunction. Put it all together and the human body absorbs fewer nutrients and leaves more putrefied fecal matter behind. This builds up and sets the stage for disease.
Everyone has a wide array of good bacteria in their intestines. Under proper circumstances, these flourish and help the digestive process. In a bad environment however, these good bacteria die and leave room for the development of parasites and yeast such as Candida.
These change the wall of the intestine making it more permeable causing "leaky gut syndrome". Leaky gut syndrome is the primary cause of toxins entering the blood stream from the intestine and puts additional strain on the kidneys and liver to remove the toxins.
Though the kidneys and liver are incredibly efficient, they have their limitations. They become overwhelmed and unfiltered toxins are absorbed by other tissues leading to degenerative disease. Toxins absorbed by cells interfere with the cells normal cellular metabolism.
Poor Bowel Function Causes Other Problems Too!
If you bump up against something hot, you can immediately recognize what you have done and are very likely to guard against it in the future.
But you can literally go for years eating a poor diet without many serious side effects. You can even go further with a poor diet by supplementing your intake with a host of digestive aids and others to treat the symptoms.
The human body is generally great at handling the abuse that we give it. At some point however, treating your bowels poorly catches up... slowly and almost unnoticeably. Effects such as gas, bloating, nausea, aches and pains are often attributed to age or special circumstances when in fact, they are symptoms of a greater problem resulting from a long history of improper diet.
Initial symptoms of a dysfunctional bowel system often include a lack of energy, lack of resistance to infection, headaches, gas, and a host of others.
There may or may not be a total figure for the amount that Americans spend on reducing or eliminating the symptoms of unhealthy bowels; but regardless, the figure is staggering.
People often make the mistaken assumption that because they have alleviated the symptom, they have cured the problem. In fact, the symptom is the cause of a greater problem that can't be handled by downing a few antacids or swallowing a few ounces of pink chalk.
As things get worse, other more serious problems begin to appear ranging from Crohn's disease, immune deficiencies, cancer, and even rheumatoid arthritis. The list goes on... and on.
Where does it begin? Generally during childhood. But as we live longer and consume more red meat, white flour, sugar, JUNK FOOD, coffee, antibiotics, prescription and over the counter medications, the problem compounds.
Fortunately however, all is not lost. Senior adults won't necessarily regain the bowel function that they had when they were 25, but most people can notice a significant improvement in bowel performance if the follow the right track:
People drink way too little water. Many people will go an entire day without drinking a single glass but derive their liquids from coffee, tea, soda, milk, beer, liquor, and juices. Those are not water! Your body needs water to allow its organs to function properly and to help eliminate waste. For most people, enough water means 8 glasses per day. I know, that sounds like a lot... and it is. But it's what your body needs.
You can also stop further deterioration by changing your diet to include more fresh foods including several healthy helpings of vegetables and fruits per day. Avoid junk foods. Endorsement by an athlete doesn't change garbage into a wholesome food.
Avoid large amounts of refined sugar and refined wheat products, especially those that contain yeast. When you do eat breads, go to those such as whole wheat or rye bread. They add more fiber to your diet and aren't as easily broken down into sugars.
Avoid alcohol and don't take medications that you don't really need. Both of these kill beneficial bacteria in your intestinal tract and set the stage for bad bacterial growth.
These are lifestyle changes that can help to prevent further problems. Other more immediate actions can also be taken including intestinal and cellular cleansing, elimination of parasites, and reintroduction of beneficial bacteria.
But before going on any of these programs, you should check them out with your primary care physician to determine your plan of action. Improperly treatment programs or other personal conditions may be ineffective or cause further problems.
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