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This herb‘s inner bark is used medicinally. It contains the minerals iron and zinc. The Ta Heebo herb is found in South America where it is used for cancer therapy. It contains antibiotic properties with virus killing abilities. The effectiveness of this herb when it originates in Brazil is questionable, since Agent Orange is being used there to defoliate the jungles. Ta Heebo is one of the ingredients in Jonathan Winter’s Miracle Cancer Cure Tea.
INTERNAL USE: This herb is used to help fight many different cancers, as well as clean out the system of bacterial and viral infections.
This herb is from the THEACEAE family. It is also called Cha, Ocha, Kukicha, Bancha, Green Tea and Black Tea. The leaves of this plant are used for a pungent drink, as well as medicinally. It contains vitamin C, as well as caffeine, thebromine, tannins, flavonoids and fluoride. Tea should be used carefully, as too much too often can lead to addiction.
HISTORY: Tea has been considered a special drink by many cultures. It is named for Thea, a Greek word of goddess. The different ways of processing Tealeaves is the reason there is Green, Black and Oolong Tea’s. It mainly depends its state of fermentation when it is dried, that determines its particular flavor and potency.
INTERNAL USE: This herb is taken most commonly as a tea, but is also taken as a tincture. It is used to help combat allergies, arteriosclerosis, asthma, colds, congestion, cough, diarrhea, intestinal infections, dysentery, hepatitis, and also as a general "pick me up".
EXTERNAL USE: A poultice of tea helps sunburn, insect stings, sore eyes and open wounds.
RDA – 1.5 mg
- Conversion of carbohydrates to energy
- Healthy brain and nervous system function
- Heart muscle flexibility – healthy heartbeat
- Muscle function of the stomach, intestine and heart
- Enhances circulation and blood formation
- Important for proper digestion
- Has positive effect on energy, growth, normal appetite and learning capacity
- Has antioxidant properties to protect from aging, alcohol consumption and smoking
Beriberi, disease of nervous system, caused by thiamin deficiency; constipation, enlarged liver, fatigue, forgetfulness, gastrointestinal disturbances, tiredness, heart changes, irritability, labored breathing, loss of appetite, muscle atrophy, canker sores, nervousness, depression, numbness of the hands and feet, pain and sensitivity, poor coordination, tingling sensations, weak and sore muscles, general weakness and severe weight loss.
Alcohol abuse, chronic infection, frequent dieting/fasting, pregnant/breastfeeding women, diabetics, elderly men and women
Brown rice, bagels, egg yolks, fish, legumes, liver, peanuts, peas, pasta, pork, poultry, rice bran, wheat germ, pasta, whole grains, asparagus, brewer’s yeast, broccoli, cereals, Brussels sprouts, dulse, kelp, nuts, oatmeal, oranges, cauliflower, potatoes, plums, dried prunes, raisins, spirulina, watercress
Herbs- alfalfa, bladderwrack, burdock root, catnip, cayenne, chamomile, chickweed, eyebright, fennel seed, fenugreek, hops, nettle, oat straw, parsley, peppermint, raspberry leaf, red clover, rose hips, sage, yarrow, yellow dock
Best to supplement with all B complex vitamins at once; thiamin hydrochloride is form available in most over-the-counter formulas
- Helps to maintain the correct balance of protein in the body
- Can be found in the heart, skeletal muscle, central nervous system
- Assists in preventing fatty buildup in the liver
- Aids in the production of antibodies to enhancing the immune system
- Important constituent of collagen, elastin, and enamel protein
- Deficiency can cause a "fat allergy", which would show up as indigestion, intestinal malfunction, and a sore throat, as if a cold were coming on. Also, a lack of this amino acid can cause female ovarian cysts or fluid on the ovary(s) as well as painful and difficult menstruation, and intermittent spotting. An inflamed uterus can also be caused by the lack of threonine.
- Glands and organs affected - thymus, lymph, tonsils, appendix, peyer’s patches, skin, stomach.
- Complementary Vitamins - A, B Complex, B-2, B-12, folic acid.
- Complementary Minerals - copper, manganese, calcium, selenium
This grows to a height of two feet, and contains vitamins B complex, C and D as well as iodine, sodium, silicon and sulfur. It has the powerful germicide thymol, which is a strong antiseptic as well as parasitic agent.
INTERNAL USE: This herb is used to treat hookworms, bronchitis, laryngitis, whooping cough, stomach problems, diarrhea, gastritis, gas, colic, headaches and lack of appetite. A douche can help alleviate leucorrhea.
EXTERNAL USE: Oil of Thyme is excellent to cure ringworm, athletes foot, scabies, crabs and lice. It also can help heal wounds, warts, and varicose veins.
- Precursor to serotonin, necessary for inducing sleep, emotion control, perception of pain, promotes calmness, and lifts depression and anxiety
- Reduces blood pressure via blood vessel dilation
- Reduces blood fats and cholesterol
- Raises blood histamine levels
- Is a growth hormone stimulant
- Aids in the utilization of B-complex vitamins, especially Vitamin B-6
- Deficiency can cause insomnia, schizophrenia, arthritis, joint dysfunction and dermatitis.
- Food sources - fish, chicken, eggs, beef, soybeans and milk
- Glands and organs affected - parathyroid, lymph, thymus, lung, spleen.
- Complementary Vitamins - A, Niacin (B-3)
- Complementary Minerals - calcium, selenium, magnesium and sulfur
This herb is from the ZINGIBERACEAE family. The name is from the Arabic word, Kurkum which means "Saffron". Although the color is the same as Saffron, it is not actually saffron. Most Turmeric grown in the world comes from India. A compound found in Turmeric called curcumin helps eliminate free radical molecules, reduces histamine levels and helps protect the body from toxic compounds.
HISTORY: A native of Asia, its popularity has spread its growth and use though out the world. It is the main ingredient in Curry Powder, which is famous world over as a spicy constituent in many dishes. It is highly prized as a dietary supplement in India, where it is used to maintain a healthy body balance.
INTERNAL USE: Turmeric is usually taken as a tea, tincture or in capsule form. This herb can be used to help anemia, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, asthma, bursitis, candida, coughs, dysentery, eczema, gas, gallstones, hepatitis, jaundice, rheumatism, obesity, and has been known to fight cancer as well!
EXTERNAL USE: This herb is used topically in a poultice to cure athlete’s foot, bruises, swelling and cuts.