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America's 2007 "Top Cities For Seniors" 

Did your hometown make America's Top 10?  Over 240 American cities were considered, thousands of votes have been received, and then we went to work.  Each of the cities went through a rigorous profiling and ranking system, and then we applied human common sense.  Isn't it nice to hear someone say that computers and polls don't know it all?

Each American city has its own flavor and mix of people, economic and social conditions, climate, geography, and history.  Each of this makes this city unique and better for some than for others.  

Just as we are different, so are our ideals as to where we want to live, and much of this has to do with our stage of life.  While 20-somethings are looking to find a place to raise kids and start a career, 40-somethings have more of a balancing act with more issues in their lives.  Similarly, those over 60 also have various things that are of value to them.

Though things like crime rates, cost of living, and the cost of a home are important to each of us, they can weigh more or less as we age.  

Those over 60 are also those that need better access to healthcare, better public transportation, and factors that impact health and retirement are also of vital importance.

America's 2007 " Top 20 Cities For Seniors

1 Portland Oregon
2 Seattle Washington
3 Milwaukee Wisconsin
4 Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
5 Raleigh North Carolina
6 New Orleans Louisiana
7 San Francisco California
8 Marshfield Wisconsin
9 Philadelphia Pennsylvania
10 Salt Lake City-Ogden Utah
11 Chicago, Illinois
12 Kansas City, MO
13 Houston, Texas
14 Boston, Massachusetts
15 Cincinnati, Ohio
16 St Louis, Missouri
17 Fort Lauderdale, Florida
18 Weston, Florida
19 Virginia Beach, Virginia
20 San Diego, California




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